Wednesday 15 April 2009

The Beauty Spot: Leonie Ellyatt, Manuka Life Yoga

In the spotlight this week – Leonie Ellyatt, Founder, Manuka Life Yoga. Is anyone else noticing a theme to these interviews? Everyone is extremely attractive and succesful!

Read on and enjoy the musings of Leonie, who heads up the beautifully made Manuka Life Yoga range... Once you try her products for size you won't go back.

1. Who are you and what do you do?
Leonie Ellyatt and I am the founder of Manuka Life a yoga and lifestyle company.

2. What is your background and why did you decide to set up Manuka Life?
My background predominately comes from being a personal trainer. I set up a personal training gym 10 years ago and could see that there was a gap in the market for good quality, flattering, affordable clothing for women.

3. What are the brand’s philosophies?
Producing high quality, affordable yoga clothing for the real women. Paying attention to the smallest of details.

4. Describe a day in your life…
I wake at 6.30am and get my 3 children ready for school. I am normally at my desk by 8.45am - the day is always very busy, my role is predominantely new developments. Just before 4.00pm I leave the office to do the school run. When we get home my children unwind and I will sneak off for a quick run. Twice a week I go to a yoga class when they are in bed. I am usually in bed by 10pm, I always clear my email box at night so I can start fresh in the morning.

5. What advice would you give to anyone who wanted to become an entrepreneur like you? Was it difficult to get started?
Believe in your product. It is difficult to get started that’s part of the challenge, however if you truly believe in your product and love what you do you will ride through testing times.

6. Who else do you admire in the yoga/wellbeing industry?
Georgie Wolfinden the founder of

7. Favourite beauty product?
Uhma Nagri rose body oil.

8. Favourite items in the Manuka Life collection?
Our classic yoga pants, they are suitable for all activities – yoga, running, school runs, relaxing at home (I even sleep in them!)

9. What are your hopes for the future of Manuka Life?
That we continue to grow, which will enable us to keep having fun with what we do and support our chosen charitable causes.

10. How can readers buy Manuka Life yoga wear? and all John Lewis stores nationwide.

What are you waiting for?

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